Print and Customer Display

Print and Customer Display

  • Built-in printer

Brief introduction of print

Connection mode: Bluetooth (Bluetooth
device name: InnerPrinter), AIDL, JS bridge. Third party APP can carry out
print business by way of connecting built-in printer. Sunmi printer contains
the following functions: thermal printer with two print specifications of 58
& 80 mm, cutter (partial devices), cash drawer (partial devices), customer
display (partial devices)  


Development documentation


Sunmi’s print function interfaces are
mostly reusable, and they are slightly different according to different models.
The documentation is applicable to the following models: V series (V1), P
series (P1, P1-4G, etc.), V1S series, T series (T1, T2, etc.), S series (S2,
etc.), Mini series (T1mini, etc.)


The printer is compatible with ESC&POS
instructions, which are slightly different from standard ESC&POS

The developers can realize the operating
mode & interface invocation method by referring to the development documentation
of built-in printer, and realize escpos instruction set supported by Sunmi
through instruction documentation


Development documentation of built-inprinter

ESCPOSinstruction documentation

P series & V1S & V2 AIDL document
, T series & S series AIDL document

Mini series AIDL document resource, V series AIDL document resource


If it is necessary to make compatible the
print functions of different models, we can provide a type of remote import
solution. The user doesn’t need to place AIDL resource into the project, he/she
only needs to increase dependency in gradle and thus can realize printing by
use of the same codes on different models. Please refer to instructions
documentation of the print service’s compatibility solution for concretedetails


Develop demo


Sunmi provides print demo & source code,
supports common print functions. For example: print QR code, print bar code,
print pictures, print characters in various countries’ languages, print tables,
etc. demo supports two connection types of Bluetooth & aidl. The developers
need to equip different Sunmi devices with different AIDL files when developing
print functions.


Universal print demo: print Demo source



Sunmi has provided a simple & easy
method to invoke the printer’s demo by way of JS. The developers can invoke the
printer through network by referring to demo.

JS print demo: eclipse Demo   Android Studio Demo

If the user needs to print out the content
of the web page end through Sunmi printer. Besides the js method, he/she can
also realize it by way of android native print function. Sunmi has provided a
print plug-in to support.

The user can search Sunmiprinterplugin
through Sunmi App market. After download & installation, he/she can
immediately print the web page content through the browser’s print function.

Download from App market and print. It can
support screenshot print and camera-shooting print and there are two optional
print methods of Black
& White
and jitter gray level (already supporting V1 device currently).

  • Self-service printed documentation for SunmiK1

Self-service printing development document | self-service printing AIDL document resources

  •  Customer display

Customer display sunmiT1mini has a customer
display, and the developers can apply customer display by referring to
development documentation for customer display.

   Customer Display LCD Set Doc | LCD DEMO

   Demo source code | AIDL file

     JS:JS Demo Eclipse | Android Studio