Face Recognition

  1. Create Face Group
  2. Edit Face Group
  3. Configure The Stranger-to-regular Conditions
  4. Delete Face Group
  5. Get The List of Face Group
  6. Add Attributes to A Face Group
  7. Delete Attributes of A Face Group
  8. Get List of User-defined Attributes of A Face Group
  9. Add Face Record
  10. Delete Face Record
  11. Update Face Record
  12. Get Face Record
  13. Get List of Face Records
  14. Get Face Records That Don’t Arrival For The Longgest Time

1. Create Face Group


Create a new face group via this interface and configure its attributes. The IPC supports up to 10 face groups including the default stranger group and regular group and maximum 8 user groups.

Request link openapi/face/createGroup, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

name string The name of group, maximum 96 characters. The system has two default group,
stranger and regular.
capacity int Capacity of group, the sum of all group capacities shall not exceed 30000.Y10000
DescriptionstringDescription of group, maximum 150 characters.
YCustomers with gold card.


1. The first character of name shall not be a blank space;

2. By default, the name of stranger group is stranger, the name of regular group is regular.

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 200, 201, 202, 211, 212, 220, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/createGroup HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& name=vip&capacity=10000&description=Customers with gold card.

Response Example

    "code": 0

2. Edit Face Group


This API is used to edit attributes of a face group.

Request link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

old_name string The name of Face Group you want to modify. Y vip
name string The new name of Face Group, can be same with old_name.Y svip
capacity int The new capacity of Face Group, can be same with the old capacity. Y 10000
Descriptionstring Description of group, maximum 150 characters. Y Customers with platinum card.


1.name must be same with old_name when you edit stranger group or regular group, in other words, the name of default groups art not allowed to be modified;

2.The first character of name shall not be a blank space.

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 200, 201, 202, 204, 211, 212, 220, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/updateGroup HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& old_name=vip&name=svip&capacity=10000&description=Customers with platinum card.

Response Example

    "code": 0

3. Configure The Stranger-to-regular Conditions


Stranger and regular face groups will be created once the IPC is activated. The records in stranger face group will be moved to the regular face group when they meet the moving conditions which is 5 times in 7 days by default. This API is used to Configure The Stranger-to-regular Conditions.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

arrive_times int value range 1~10.Y 5
period int value range 1~100, unit: day.Y 20


It means that record will be move from stranger to regular while the face was captured more than [arrive_times] times in [period] days. So this api is only applicable to the stranger face group.

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/updateMigrationHTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response Example

    "code": 0

4. Delete Face Group


Delete the specified face group.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

name string The name of group to be deleted, stranger and regular group art not
allowed to be deleted. The group should be empty before it is deleted.
Y vip

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 201, 204, 205, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/deleteGroup HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& name=vip

Response Example

    "code": 0

5. Get The List of Face Group


This API is used to get infomations of all groups.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

No private parameter for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.
num int number of groups
name string name of group
capacity int capacity of group.
Descriptionstring description of group.
times int attribute only for stranger.
period int attribute only for stranger.
count int number of records in the group.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/getGroupList HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response Example

    "data": {
        "face_group": [
                "capacity": 5000,
                "count": 0,
                "name": "regular",
                "description": "this is regular group"
                "capacity": 1000,
                "count": 0,
                "name": "employee",
                "description": "this is employee group"
                "capacity": 1000,
                "count": 0,
                "name": "blacklist",
                "description": "this is blacklist group"
                "name": "stranger",
                "times": 5,
                "capacity": 1000,
                "count": 0,
                "period": 2,
                "description": "this is stranger group"
        "num": 4
    "code": 0

6. Add Attributes to A Face Group


Each face group has 5 user-defined fields or attributes that can be filled with string with up to 50 characters for every records, except the default groups.

It is strongly recommended to add user-defined attributes after creating the face group and before adding any record with this interface.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

num int Number of attributes to add. Y 1
group_name string Name of group. Y vip
name_list string array Attribute name list, maximum 50 characters in length for each name.Y [“hobby”]


1. The default groups (stranger and regular) are not allowed to add attributes;

2. The following names are reserved and can not be used as attribute names: group_name, pic, age, gender, faceid, age_range, arrive_times, pic_url, total_num, return_num。

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 211, 220, 240, 241, 242, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/addFaceInfoItem HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& num=2&group_name=vip&name_list=[“phone_num”, “weight”]

Response Example

    "code": 0

7. Delete Attributes of A Face Group


This interface is used to delete user-defined attributes in a specified face group.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

num int Number of attributes to delete. Y 1
group_name string Name of group Y vip
name_list string Attribute name list, maximum 50 characters in length for each name.Y [“hobby”]

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 211, 220, 240, 241, 242, 243, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/removeFaceInfoItem HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& num=2&group_name=vip&name_list=[“phone_num”, “weight”]

Response Example

    "code": 0

8. Get List of User-defined Attributes of A Face Group


This interface is used to get the list of user-defined attribute of a specified group.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

Parameter Type Description Required Example
group_name string name of group Y stranger

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.
num int Number of attributes.
name_list string Attribute name list.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/getFaceInfoItemHTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& num=2&group_name=vip

Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "num": 3,
        "name_list": [

9. Add Face Record


This API is used to add a face record in the specified group.

Request Type

Content-Type is multipart/form-data, and all arguments except file are signed according to the signature rules.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

faceidstringFaceid, a positive 64-bit numeric string, the device will generate if not supplyN 123456
pic file Face photo file in jpg/png format, maximum resulution is 1920*1080,
the size of file must not exceed 1M bytes.
N example.jpg
group_name string name of group Y stranger
age int preset attribute, age N 14
gender int preset attribute , gender, 0 for unknown, 1 for male, 2 for female N 1
item1 string user-defined attribute 1 N value1
item2 string user-defined attribute 2 N value2
item3 string user-defined attribute 3 N value3
item4 string user-defined attribute 4 N value4
item5 string user-defined attribute 5N value5


1.The preset attributes above are built-in attribute of face record in the databse, and others include item1/item2/item3/item4/item5 are user-defined attributes. Users must call the interface to add user-defined attributes before using; The IPC will ignore the parameters if the corresponding attributes are not found.

2.If the attribute age is not provided, the age range will be set automatically by the IPC;

3. If the attribute gender is not provided, this field will be set automatically by the IPC.

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 206, 208, 210, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.
faceid string Face ID. 105

Request Example

POST /openapi/face/addFace HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=————————–962974737227706390007700
Content-Length: 1683

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”app_id”

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”random”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”timestamp”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”sign”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”group_name”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”age”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”gender”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”hobby”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”vip_level”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”weight”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”phone_num”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”pic”; filename=”11024.jpg”
Content-Type: image/jpeg  

(binary data of picture)


The above hobby, vip_level, weight and phone_num are user-defined attributes, should be added before using them.

Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "faceid": "105"

10. Delete Face Record


This API is used to delete the face records from the specified group.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

num int Number of face records to delete Y 1
group_name string Name of group Y Example
faceid_list string array List of face record to delete. Y [“105”]

Response Parameters

Paramter TypeDescription
code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.
success_list string array List of face records that have been deleted
failed_list string array List of failed deleting face records
not_exist_list string array List of face records that are not exist.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/deleteFace HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& group_name=vip&faceid_list=[“000001”, “0000002”]&num=2

Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "success_list": [
        "failed_list": [],
        "not_exist_list": [

11. Update Face Record


Update the information of the specified face record.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Method

Content-Type is multipart/form-data, and all arguments except file are signed according to the signature rules.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

group_name string Name of group Y svip
faceid string Face ID Y 21
new_group_name string New group name, the record will be moved to this group if provided. N vip
pic file Face photo file in jpg/png format, maximum resulution is 1920*1080,
the size of file must not exceed 1M bytes.
N example.jpg
age int preset attribute, age N 10
gender int preset attribute , gender, 0 for unknown, 1 for male, 2 for female N 1
item1 string user-defined attribute 1 N value1
item2 string user-defined attribute 2 N value2
item3 string user-defined attribute 3 N value3
item4 string user-defined attribute 4 N value4
item5 string user-defined attribute 5 N value5

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 204, 207, 208, 210, 211, 220, see Error Code for further details.

Request Example

POST /openapi/face/addFace HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=————————–962974737227706390007700
Content-Length: 1683  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”app_id”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”random”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”timestamp”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”sign”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”group_name”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”facdid”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”new_group_name”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”hobby”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”vip_level”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”weight”  

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”phone_num”  



The above hobby, vip_level, weight and phone_num are user-defined attributes, should be added before using them.

Response Example

    "code": 0

12. Get Face Record


Get information of the face record by face ID.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

faceid string ace ID Y 4

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 211, see Error Code for further details.
faceid string Face ID
group_name string Group name
age int age, NULL means user has not set the age of the face record.
age_range int age range, 1 means 1~6 years old, 2 means 7~12 years old, 3 means 13~18
years old, 5 means 19~28 years old, 5 means 29~35 years old, 6 means
36~45 years old, 7 means 45~55 years old, 8 means 55~100 years old
gender int gender, 0 means unknown, 1 means male, 2 means female
arrive_count int Total number of arrivals
arrive_time int Timestamp of the last arrival
item1 string User-defined attribute 1, only returned if exist.
item2 string User-defined attribute 2, only returned if exist.
item3 string User-defined attribute 3, only returned if exist.
item4 string User-defined attribute 4, only returned if exist.
item5 string User-defined attribute 5, only returned if exist.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/getFace HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "arrive_time": 1566215943,
        "arrive_count": 2,
        "faceid": "4",
        "group_name": "vip",
        "point": "113",
        "gender": 1,
        "age": 10,
        "age_range": 2,
        "vip_level": "1",
        "hobby": "tennis",
        "weight": "60",
        "height": "180"


The above hobby, vip_level, weight and phone_num are user-defined attributes, should be added before using them.

13. Get List of Face Records


Get list of the face records in the specified group.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

group_name string name of group Y vip
page_num int Current page number, default and minimum is 1 N 4
page_size int Current page entries, default is 10, range is [1, 100] N 10

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 211, see Error Code for further details.
total_num int Total number of face records
return_num int Number of face records currently returned
faceid string Face ID
age int age, NULL means user has not set the age of the face record.
age_range int age range, 1 means 1~6 years old, 2 means 7~12 years old, 3 means 13~18
years old, 5 means 19~28 years old, 5 means 29~35 years old, 6 means
36~45 years old, 7 means 45~55 years old, 8 means 55~100 years old
gender int gender, 0 for unknown, 1 for male, 2 for female
arrive_count int Total number of arrivals
arrive_time int Timestamp of the last arrival
item1 string User-defined attribute 1, only returned if exist.
item2 string User-defined attribute 2, only returned if exist.
item3 string User-defined attribute 3, only returned if exist.
item4 string User-defined attribute 4, only returned if exist.
item5 string User-defined attribute 6, only returned if exist.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/getFaceIDList HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& group_name=vip

Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "total_num": 2,
        "num": 2,
        "faceid_list": [
                "arrive_time": 1566215929,
                "arrive_count": 2,
                "faceid": "3",
                "point": "113",
                "gender": 2,
                "vip_level": "3",
                "hobby": "tennis",
                "weight": "60",
                "height": "180",
                "age": 10,
                "age_range": 2
                "arrive_time": 1566215998,
                "arrive_count": 1,
                "faceid": "4",
                "point": "113",
                "gender": 1,
                "vip_level": "1",
                "hobby": "tennis",
                "weight": "60",
                "height": "180",
                "age": 10,
                "age_range": 2

14. Get Face Records That Don’t Arrive For The Longest Time


Get list of last N face records sorted by the “last arrival” time.

Request Link, needs to be replaced with the actual IP address of IPC.

Request Parameters

Below are private parameters for this API, please refer to Public Parameters for more details.

group_name string Name of group Y vip
num int Number of face records, range is 1~10, default is 1. N 2

Response Parameters

code int Return code, represent the request result,
possible return codes are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 207, 211, see Error Code for further details.
return_num int Number of face records currently returned
faceid string Face ID
age int Age, NULL means user has not set the age of the face record.
age_range int age range, 1 means 1~6 years old, 2 means 7~12 years old, 3 means 13~18
years old, 5 means 19~28 years old, 5 means 29~35 years old, 6 means
36~45 years old, 7 means 45~55 years old, 8 means 55~100 years old
gender int Gender, 0 for unknown, 1 for male, 2 for female
arrive_count int Total number of arrivals
arrive_time int Timestamp of the last arrival
item1 string User-defined attribute 1, only returned if exist.
item2 string User-defined attribute 2, only returned if exist.
item3 string User-defined attribute 3, only returned if exist.
item4 string User-defined attribute 4, only returned if exist.
item5 string User-defined attribute 5, only returned if exist.

Request Example

POST openapi/face/getFaceByArrival HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

app_id=mdk923idkf&random=289192&timestamp=15930292837&sign=IDKNFLK392038KDS932K& group_name=vip&num=2

Response Example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "return_num": 2,
        "faceid_list": [
                "faceid": "8",
                "arrive_time": 1566215929,
                "arrive_count": 7,
                "age_range": 5,
                "gender": 1,
                "age": 0,
                "item1": "value1",
                "item2": "value2",
                "item3": "value3",
                "item4": "value4",
                "item5": "value5"
                "faceid": "10",
                "arrive_time": 1566110525,
                "arrive_count": 6,
                "age_range": 4,
                "gender": 2,
                "age": 0,
                "item1": "value1",
                "item2": "value2",
                "item3": "value3",
                "item4": "value4",
                "item5": "value5"